Things to consider before IVF treatment

Preparation Before IVF

Couples who want to have IVF and decide to receive this treatment wait for the process to begin with great excitement. This process is generally determined by certain protocols according to the ways to be followed. Although any adaptation can be achieved according to the characteristics of the patient, the main purpose of the treatment is to obtain a sufficient number of mature eggs from the expectant mothers and fertilize them in a laboratory environment.
With this method, couples who want to have children should pay attention to some issues and act accordingly. Both parties who want to have children should do their best to make the treatment more successful. This treatment is often successful, but there may be times when the desired result is not achieved. They should pay attention to what needs to be done from the moment couples want to receive treatment. İnfertilite ve Tüp Bebek
Every stage is of great importance in IVF treatment. The equipment and experience of the laboratory to be treated is very important. Therefore, the quality of the environment in which these sperms and ovaries will be treated is also very important. Do not forget to read the article I explained all the stages of treatment: IVF Stages
Although the medicines and supplements used are good and high quality, as you will deserve, the most important factor in this treatment is how well the sperm and egg can produce. This brings to mind the question of what kind of improvements we can make before starting IVF treatment. Jinekoloji
There may be factors that interfere with the production of eggs and sperm in individuals' body or that may affect the stages at certain stages. For example, inherited problems can have an impact on foods taken. The environmental features experienced or the chemical and physical factors to which the body is exposed are also very effective for this treatment. Such factors have an important place in the reproductive quality and the success of the pregnancy process.

Things to consider before IVF treatment

Things to do before IVF treatment
Although the preparations of couples for IVF treatment are of great importance, especially expectant mothers should pay attention to some issues we will count:
Studies should be conducted as an incentive for weight loss in individuals with high body mass index. And the body mass index should be targeted to be 30 and below. Otherwise, patients' being too weak may cause problems. After the necessary tests are carried out under the control of specialists, it is necessary to reach a healthy weight. Laparoskopi


You can do exercises in the style of swimming or yoga. Provided that it is not heavy, the aim here is to increase the body's exercise capacity and regulate blood circulation. At the same time, weight control is supported. Heavy exercise should be avoided. After the egg development phase of the treatment begins, movements that increase intra-abdominal pressure should also be avoided.

Adequate Nutrition

Necessary nutritional changes should be under control. In the researches, the positive effect of nutrition called Mediterranean-style nutrition on the ovaries was found. Prepackaged packaged products containing additives should be avoided. Sufficient water intake must be followed. Histeroskopi

Vitamin D

The effect of vitamin D on reproductive health has been determined more with recent years as a result of researches. Vitamin D deficiency should be eliminated before the process. Other vitamin deficiencies should be eliminated in this period, which is prepared for pregnancy by conducting pre-pregnancy tests.


The level of exposure to chemicals should be minimized. The exposure of the individual to the chemical is very dangerous and harmful. This issue is also one of the issues to be considered. Because when it comes to chemicals, it comes to the damages used in the auto industry, paint industry and everyone agrees. Actually, the most important thing about being excluded from the chemical happens to us in our daily life. We can count the daily cleaning materials (bleach, detergent, spirit of salt…) and ammonia as the most exposed chemicals. Although many times seem insignificant, we should not be exposed to these chemicals as much as we can. The use of these substances should be limited and minimized.

Caffeine Consumption

Coffee consumption should also be limited because taking too much caffeine is known to have negative effects on the body's fertility. Tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, energy drinks should be left out, it should be known that smoking and similar tobacco products and alcohol use are an important factor to be avoided for both men and women.
It is quite possible to see positive effects on hormones and reproduction in the body by going to these lifestyle changes. It may be difficult at first to make such major changes, but it is very important that individuals relax psychologically and eliminate their prejudices. In this regard, the support of the family and the immediate environment of the patients is of great importance.
You can send me questions about what to do before IVF treatment in the comments section.


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